Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

ughh.. twilight

twilight is NOT that great. it is an absolute disappointment.
let me translate that, twilight adalah pengecewaan besar.
edward cullen isnt that hott.
bella swan didnt act that good, she cringed quite unnecisarily.
edward and bella rarely talked and suddenly they're all lovey dovey. was it right for them to fall in love when they barely talked?
they arranged the scenes really weirdly.
they put lines of different scenes to other scenes.
i noticed edward cullen was wearing contacts, cant they have made it a little less obvious he was wearing them?
and this really bugged me, the way the vampires travel it reminded me of a kungfu indonesian sinotren. where the good and bad guys jump and then fight each other in the air. pretty cheesy dont you agree?
bytheway carlisle is more handsome than edward. hahahaha.
i dont understand why it managed to become a box office movie, and went up competing with quantum of solace. wth.

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